Learning @ APS

Wellbeing and learning are central to everything we do at Aldercourt.

Our core purpose of this school is to provide our students with educational opportunities that will enable them to reach their full potential and achieve success academically, socially and personally. Success comes in so many forms and we work hard every day to help our students experience it.

We want our students to feel safe and happy, enjoy learning, and achieve highly. One of the things that makes our school stand apart is the quality, dedication, and ability of our teaching and education support staff. There’s a reason our student and staff opinion survey scores are above typical schools in Victoria – we collaborate and all believe we can make an impact on our community.

Every adult within our school believes our students can learn, can tackle challenges, and deserves the best learning experiences possible.

We want them to develop positive social skills, healthy relationship values and a strong sense of themselves as individuals.

Our curriculum is inclusive and focused on allowing all students to thrive. We provide a comprehensive curriculum with a strong focus on literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional learning, with further hands-on programs and initiatives focused on student, school, and community interests.